Infoman is a satirical news show that takes an irreverent look at today’s big stories. The host Jean-René Dufort, along with his faithful co-hosts Chantal Lamarre and MC Gilles, provides coverage on the personalities and subjects of the hour in a way that’s both informative and entertaining.
Our goal was to update the graphics and motion design for its 23rd season. We wanted to highlight the raw, rebellious and cutting journalistic style of Jean-rené Dufort, aka “Infoman”, the hero of information. We mixed superhero comics with the punk rock design aesthetics of the 80s to arrive at a colorful three-dimensional scrapbook effect, integrating paper tears, texture and newspaper clippings. The title sequence follows Infoman’s legendary microphone as it rockets around the globe, interrupting major figures in local and international news. Vlodimir Zelinski, Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, Pope Francis, Kim Jong-un as well as the Montreal and Quebec mayors are all featured. It was accomplished with a mix of stock footage, green screens, artwork, and 3D assets, all stitched together in After Effects.